Nelson Ponce Posters

Type Talks Live

April 8th 2023

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 990 6007 0062

Nelson Ponce is a renowned Cuban Illustrator and Poster Designer. After graduating from the esteemed Instituto Superior de Diseño Industrial (ISDi) in 1998, Ponce became a UI designer as well as a professor at his alma mater. His poster for Vampiros en la Habana brought him national recognition early in his career. He was awarded Cuba’s Prografica prize for Best Young Designer in 2006 and the National Design Prize by the Cuban Book Institute in 2013. Ponce is a co-founder of the Camaleon Collective. He continues to work as a freelance designer and illustrator and is the Graphic Design curator at Havana’s Fabrica de Arte Cubano.

Pratt Institute • School of Art • Associate Degree Program

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